Research Ethics Committee (REC)
The Davao Doctors Hospital (DDH) Research Ethics Committee (REC) is an independent body created by the DDH under the umbrella of the Hospital Ethics Committee, whose responsibility is to ensure the protection of the rights, safety and well-being of human subjects involved in health-related research and to provide public assurance of that protection. In accordance with applicable national/internal regulations, the DDH REC has the authority to approve, require modifications to, or disapprove research protocols and related documents, as well as, ensure compliance with its relevant procedures after approval.
The Davao Doctors Hospital (DDH) Research Ethics Committee (REC) is composed of independent professionals from different sectors of the Davao City community. The REC is an independent, multi-disciplinary and multi-sector grouping of professionals with balance in composition as to male and female, DDH-affiliated and non-affiliated, medical, social scientist, religious and lay members.  The members of the Board are appointed by the DDH President & CEO upon the recommendation of the Hospital Ethics Chair. Currently, REC is composed of 5 DDH-affiliated and 3 non-affiliated members, 4 males and 4 females, 4 in the medical field, a religious and lay member.Â
The DDH REC functions as guided by the ethical principles and procedures as expressed in the following international and national guidelines:
- Declaration of Helsinki (2013 and subsequent revisions)
- International Conference on the Harmonization of Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP) 2016
- CIOMS 2002, 2009, 2016
- Standards and Operational Guidance for Ethics Review of Health-Related Research with Human Participants (2011) by the World Health Organization (WHO)
- National Ethical Guidelines for Health Research by the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) 2017 and NEGRHP 2022
- Administrative Orders from DOH, Philippine FDA and other relevant agencies
The DDH REC adopts its own standard operating procedures based on:
- Operational Guidelines for Ethics Committees That Review Biomedical Research (2000) by the World Health Organization (WHO)
- DOH-REC SOP Template
- FERCAP SOP Templates
- PHREB SOP Workbook
The Davao Doctors Hospital (DDH) Research Ethics Committee (REC) is an independent body created by the DDH under the umbrella of the Hospital Ethics Committee, whose responsibility is to ensure the protection of the rights, safety and well-being of human subjects involved in health-related research and to provide public assurance of that protection. In accordance with applicable national/internal regulations, the DDH REC has the authority to approve, require modifications to, or disapprove research protocols and related documents, as well as, ensure compliance with its relevant procedures after approval.
The Davao Doctors Hospital (DDH) Research Ethics Committee (REC) is composed of independent professionals from different sectors of the Davao City community. The REC is an independent, multi-disciplinary and multi-sector grouping of professionals with balance in composition as to male and female, DDH-affiliated and non-affiliated, medical, social scientist, religious and lay members.  The members of the Board are appointed by the DDH President & CEO upon the recommendation of the Hospital Ethics Chair. Currently, REC is composed of 5 DDH-affiliated and 3 non-affiliated members, 4 males and 4 females, 4 in the medical field, a religious and lay member.Â
The DDH REC functions as guided by the ethical principles and procedures as expressed in the following international and national guidelines:
- Declaration of Helsinki (2013 and subsequent revisions)
- International Conference on the Harmonization of Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP) 2016
- CIOMS 2002, 2009, 2016
- Standards and Operational Guidance for Ethics Review of Health-Related Research with Human Participants (2011) by the World Health Organization (WHO)
- National Ethical Guidelines for Health Research by the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) 2017 and NEGRHP 2022
- Administrative Orders from DOH, Philippine FDA and other relevant agencies
The DDH REC adopts its own standard operating procedures based on:
- Operational Guidelines for Ethics Committees That Review Biomedical Research (2000) by the World Health Organization (WHO)
- DOH-REC SOP Template
- FERCAP SOP Templates
- PHREB SOP Workbook
The DDH REC responsibility is to ensure the protection of the rights, safety and well-being of human subjects involved in health-related research and to provide public assurance of that protection. In accordance with applicable national/international regulations, the DDH REC has the authority to approve, require modifications to, or disapprove research protocols and related documents, as well as, ensure compliance with its relevant procedures after approval.
Its membership shall be multidisciplinary and multisectoral. The REC members should have a diverse background and experience to foster a comprehensive and efficient review of research activities commonly conducted by the medical consultants, residents or staff, in collaboration with nonaffiliated organizations.
- Raul Martin A. Coching, M.D., Chairperson – Cardiologist and Clinical Epidemiologist
- Joyce S.A. Custodio, M.D., Vice-Chairperson – Obstetrician and Gynecologist
- Lucila T. Lupo, RCH-E, MATM, DM, Member Secretary – College Instructor/RHRDC REC Member
- Romulo T. Uy, M.D., Member – Pulmonologist
- Lourdes C. Cabintoy, Ed.D, MBA, Member – Professor Emeritus
- Fr. Erwin Rommel C. Torres, Member – Priest / College Professor/ Secretary to the Bishop
- Rommel C. Bernardo, M.D., Member – Pediatrician/Neonatologist
- Jumarie M. Albit, Member – BA Communication Arts/Lay Member
The Davao Doctors Hospital (DDH) Institutional Ethics Review Committee (IERC) was established on 31 March 2000 during the presidency of Dr. Herminio A. Villano with Dr. Crisostomo M. Serrano Sr. as Medical Director. Dr. Rosa S. Cabrera served as the first Chairperson until the end of 2001. The first IERC members were the following:
Dr. Rosa S. Cabrera
Dr. Dante Pio Palabyab
Dr. Emily P. Soriano
Dr. Marilyn O. Arguillas
Rev. Fr. John Macalisang
Dr. Melinda Tagle
During this period, a total of four (4) sponsor-initiated studies were reviewed.
In 2002 to mid-2004, Dr. Amador M. Villanueva became the IERC chairperson. The IERC members included:
Dr. Carlos V.A. Tan,
Dr. Joyce S.A. Custodio
Dr. Dante Pio Palabyab
Dr. Emily P. Soriano
Atty. Manuel Nitorreda
Rev. Fr. Albert Alejo, S.J.
Ms. Amelia B. Bonifacio
They reviewed a total of ten (10) sponsor-initiated studies during this period.
From 1 August 2004 to the end of 2006, Dr. Rizalina M. Pangan was chairperson and served with the following members:
Dr. Carlos V.A. Tan
Dr. Joyce S.A. Custodio
Dr. Raul Martin A. Coching
Ms. Beatrice H. Sienes
Atty. Manuel Nitorreda
Rev. Fr. Albert Alejo, S.J.
Ms. Amelia B. Bonifacio
Atty. Susan P. Cariaga
Rev. Fr. Jose Marie Z. Escuadro
They reviewed a total of thirteen (13) sponsor-initiated studies and two (2) individual-initiated studies. It is notable to mention that both affiliated and non-affiliated members served pro bono for the period 2000 to the end of 2006.
The presidency of DDH changed to Dr. Dominador O. Cabrera who served from 2006 to 2009.
Dr. Joyce S.A. Custodio took over as Chairperson from 1 January 2007 and continues to serve in this capacity in the IERC under the DDH presidency of Engr. Andres M. Licaros, 2009-2011 and Mr. Raymund C.S. del Val, 2012 to present with Dr. Celia C. Castillo as Medical Director. At that time, IERC members were as follows:
Dr. Carlos V.A. Tan
Dr. Raul Martin A. Coching
Dr. Lourdes V. Ledesma
Ms. Amelia B. Bonifacio
Atty. Susan P. Cariaga
Fr. Jose Marie Z. Escuadro
Prof. Jose Ma. Ernesto Y. Tomacruz
Rev. Fr. Erwin Rommel C. Torre
The IERC finally occupied its permanent office at the Training & Research Center, 4th Floor Oncology Bldg. on August 28, 2013, with a full time staff, Ms. Rachel B. Remperas. A graduate of UP Visayas, who already served as the Staff Assistant of the IERC in her capacity as Executive Assistant to the Medical Director, Dr. Celia C. Castillo from 2008 to February 2013.
Under the Medical Directorship of Dr. Noel A. Villanueva, 2013 to present, the following serve as the members of the Committee:
Dr. Joyce S.A. Custodio
Dr. Raul Martin A. Coching
Dr. Lourdes V. Ledesma
Ms. Amelia B. Bonifacio
Prof. Jose Ma. Ernesto Y. Tomacruz
Rev. Fr. Erwin Rommel C. Torres
It is noteworthy to mention that both affiliated and non-affiliated members and staff have demonstrated exemplary dedication and service to the DDH IERC and to the Davao Doctors community as a whole as it moves towards its vision of the Unparalleled Health Institution Beyond Borders.
Cut-off – Every First Wednesday of the Month
Meeting Schedule – Every Third Wednesday of the Month
Disclaimer: Meeting dates may be subject to change without prior notice.
Office Hours:
Contact Info:
Isobel Joy D. Peligro
222-8000 local 1409
CP: +639985833101
4/F Research Ethics office
Oncology Bldg.
Davao Doctors Hospital